Requirements for QCPC Digital Image Competition


A member may enter a total of three (3) digital images for each monthly competition. These may be all in one category or split between categories.


Every member in good standing will have a three-digit competition number.  Make sure that you make a note of your number as you will use it often. 




  • A vertical image needs to be resized to 1050 pixels High (vertical).  Keep “aspect ratio” checked and let the software decide the width.


  • A horizontal image needs to be resized to 1400 pixels WIDE (horizontal).


  • A square image should not be taller than 1050 pixels in height. Keep “aspect ratio” checked and let software decide the width.





  • If your images are not sized properly, they will be submitted into competition as is.


  • Images larger than 1400 pixels wide OR 1050 pixels tall will be cropped automatically by the projection software to these dimensions or bleed over the edge of the screen when projected.


  • Images smaller than 1400 pixels wide OR 1050 pixels tall will not project to the full size of the screen. (If you are a new member and you are unsure how to resize your images, please ask for help.)


Renaming Files

Image files must be renamed before submission as follows:


Category_ competition number_ sequential letter.jpg.


  • Do not put your name on the image, just your competition number and category.


  • Use N for Nature, P for Pictorial, S for Scape, C for Creative, and AG for Anything Goes. (See Category Descriptions for more information)


If your “competition number” is 123 and you are showing a Nature Image, you should label it as follows:



If you have a 2nd Nature image it would be numbered:


“N_123_ B.jpg”


If you have a 3rd Nature image it would be numbered:




If you have one (1) Nature image and two (2) Pictorials they would be numbered as follows:


N_123_A.jpg, P_123_B.jpg, and P_123_C.jpg


  • If you show three (3) images you will always have one labeled A, one B, and one C.


  • If you show two (2) images, you will have an A and a B.



You may request a comment on all three (3) of the digital images you have submitted for competition. Add the word “COMMENTS” after the label on your image.




Comments Only

If you do not wish to be entered into the scored competition but would like feedback you may submit up to three digital images for comments only.


Label as above but add the words “COMMENTS ONLY.”  No score will be given.


“P_123_COMMENTS ONLY.jpg”.


**Anything Goes Category**

Please note that the Anything Goes Category is not scored, and it does not count as one of your three (3) submitted images.  You may enter one (1) Anything Goes image per competition.


Color Space

All Digital Images shall be submitted in the sRGB IEC61966-2.1 Color space. If the image is not in the correct color space it may not appear to be the accurate color when projected on the screen.


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