Description of Regular Categories for Club Competitions


          Nature – N

          Scapes – S

          Pictorial – P

          Creative – C

          Anything Goes – AG

General Competition Information

  • Club members in good standing can enter images in monthly competition. Regular Club Competitions include print and digitally projected images, acceptable means of capture include film or digital camera, scanner, mobile device or drone.


  • All competition images MUST be photographed and processed/edited by the submitting club member. The elements of any submitted photo such as Lighting, Composition & Posing should be primarily created by the image maker when and wherever possible (exceptions are made for situations where the existing lighting and posing are beyond the image makers control).


  • Prints for print competition may be printed by someone other than the submitting member.


  • Any print competitions will be announced well before the date of said competition.


  • Nature photography is simply the recording of our natural world by some photographic means. The hand of man shall not be present in any nature images.  Techniques that enhance the presentation of the photograph without changing the nature story, the pictorial content, or without altering the content of the original scene, are permitted including natural looking HDR, focus stacking and dodging/burning. Techniques that remove elements added by the camera, such as dust spots, digital noise, and film scratches, are allowed. Stitched images are not permitted. All allowed adjustments must appear natural. Color images can be converted to grey-scale monochrome. Infrared images, either direct-captures or derivations, are not allowed.

Scape: (Land, Sea, City….)

  • The emphasis for the scape category is to show the beauty of land, street, city, sea, rock, night….scapes. The images in this category should be a view that depicts the environment. HDR, focus stacking, panoramic, cloning, and image blending techniques as long as they appear realistic and natural are acceptable in this category. Natural looking infrared, monochrome, vignettes are allowed.


  • The entries in this category should show evidence of the photographer’s creativity. These entries may depict the maker’s interpretation of any subject or style.  Images in this category should be unique, different, and out of the ordinary.  Borders are allowed in this category.  Each entry must have a photographic base and all of the elements must have been taken by the maker.  

Anything Goes

  • This category requires an image with a photographic base photo taken by the maker.  Additional elements not taken by the maker willbe allowed.  These can include but are not limited to:  AI created elements, stock images, icons, purchased sky replacements, purchased background replacements or additions, etc.  All of the work incorporating these elements into the base photo should be done by the maker.


  • This category will not be scored, but rather will be an opportunity for the maker to present their creativity in a way that can incorporate current and ever-changing technologies and elements while still starting with a photographic base.  An individual may enter one (1) Anything Goes image per regular image competition.  This entry WILL NOT count towards the three (3) images allowed for scoring.  This category will be shown at the end of regular image competition if time allows.  Also, if time allows, the maker will be allowed to share details of their image.  Comments may be requested.



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